45-48. and all this kind of stuff.Well, it's obvious God didn't lead him. The greater the blessing of God, the more thoroughly you are put on the ground that God has given you, the more He insists on thorough and constant obedience. Prayer Point #4: Pray for God's will to be done. pt. I`m blessed into my down sitting and I`m blessed into my uprising! Known thoroughly, in all its parts, peoples, districts, conformation, accessibilities, and inaccessibilities. What did it matter about all others? Indeed He found His moral glory in this very fact, that He alone of all men that ever lived never in a single particular swerved from that which after all is the sweetest, loveliest, highest thing in man here below absolute devotedness to another, doing the will of His God and Father. Meanwhile they were not to meddle with their kindred, even though jealous and unkind. The point urged here is, that when they came and stood, as far as any then could stand, in the presence of God, they had seen no similitude of Jehovah. If people like to choose for themselves, as mere men, what an awful delusion it is to be choosing for God to be really governed by your own will in matters of religion! it is an easy thing to say, "We have sinned;" but how often we have to learn that it is not the quick abrupt confession of sin which affords evidence that sin is felt! DAY 6 PRAYER POINTS. "6. Bless me with divine strength that comes from you, Lord. 8. Numbers 13:1-33 gives the fact when God warranted Moses to send the spies; Deuteronomy supplies the motives which wrought in the people to desire them. 29.) That it is said of both, " God spake all these words." Pray it during the day too. For the LORD your God which goes before you, shall fight for you, according to all that he did in Egypt before your eyes; And yet you went in this thing you did not believe the LORD your God ( Deuteronomy 1:29-32 ). God wanted to free them from the horrible bondage of Egypt, yet now they are accusing God of hating them.You remember the case of Job, it said in all of these things, that is the loss of his family and his wealth and all, he did not curse God neither did he charge God foolishly. Moses reminds them how he had shared the burden of care for them with others. Men have reasoned with great detail, especially in recent years, enquiring how all this could be done in the desert by a people who found it hard enough to pass unscathed themselves, though they had Jehovah their God with them to feed them with angels' bread, and water if need were from the rock. The grand duty and safeguard is evermore to heed His word, and the consulting Him not only for their own path but in respect to others. Thus does dying Jacob, in announcing Ernst Wilhelm HengstenbergChristology of the Old Testament, DeuteronomyOwing to the comparatively loose nature of the connection between consecutive passages in the legislative section, it is difficult to present an adequate summary of the book of Deuteronomy. 6, 7). This was the mount that burned with fire (Hebrews 12:18), and gendered to bondage,Galatians 4:24. Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land which Jehovah sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them and to their seed after them. 6 "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. For although there were flocks and herds led into the wilderness with the children of Israel at the command of Jehovah, and they may have added more from enemies they conquered, the fact just now referred to meets and removes a host of objections raised about it, and proves that the nature of these ordinances has not been understood. The Blessing of Jacob Upon Judah. But. You must bring your instrument to a point before it will penetrate, to an edge that it . For edition we have restored the fuller text of the earlier published edition, while retaining a few of the editorial refinements of the Met Tab edition. Again, in Deuteronomy 5:16 two new clauses are supplied, 'and that it may go well with thee,' and 'as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.' 40, Moses, after reviewing the recent history of the people, and showing how it reveals Jehovah's love for Israel, earnestly urges upon them the duty of keeping His laws, reminding them of His spirituality and absoluteness. The heart may be made up to follow the Lord, but the difficulties are still felt keenly; whereas the man who only theorises is ready in his own conceit, in word at least, to do anything; but there is no seriousness of spirit: he does not know himself yet. Consequently, when Christianity began, the first day of the week was made the distinguishing mark, the Lord's-day, and not the sabbath. Hence, while he fails not to show that Jehovah was with himself, and how Joshua was to displace him, he does not hesitate to set before all the story of his own shame, so to speak. In style similar to that of ancient treaty documents, Deuteronomy opens by recounting all that Yahweh, Israels covenant God, has done for his people. British Library, Harleian MS. 5596. Appendix ii. "And so Moses sort of rehearses for them some of the problems that he had as God was dealing with him. But the motive here is not because God rested upon that day, but because they were to remember that they were servants in the land of Egypt, and that Jehovah had brought them out through a mighty hand, and by a stretched out arm: "Therefore Jehovah thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath-day." And so they chose one from each tribe to go in and to spy out the land. He too it was who had given the Mount to Esau: that was enough. No wonder therefore that Deuteronomy in general has been but little understood, even by the children of God; that the thoughts of expositors are comparatively vague in explaining it; and that men are apt to read it with so little insight into its bearing that the loss might seem comparatively trifling if it were not read at all. A Plain Description of the Essence and Attributes of God, Out of the Holy Scripture, So Far as Every Christian must Competently Know, and Necessarily Believe, that Will be Saves. Next follows the account of their fear before God's solemn words, their promise to obey, and the mediatorial place which the people desired and God sanctioned for Moses. The essential revelation of God to us is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost the Father displayed by the Son, and made known by the Spirit. But their fathers would not obey at that time. Moses began his recital of Israels history at Horeb (Sinai) because this is where Yahweh adopted the nation by making the Mosaic Covenant with her. Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount.--From the beginning of the second month of the first year of the exodus (Exodus 19:1) to the twentieth day of the second month of the second year (Numbers 10:11).This was the period of organisation, in which the people received the . All this is brought out to Israel as the fruit of obeying Jehovah. It is the king's mountain." The mount of blessing and the mount of curse were there on the other side Jordan. Not, indeed, by carnal weapons, as the Israelites were commanded to conquer Canaan, nor yet by the destruction of those against whom we war; but by the nobler weapons of the truth, and by seeking men's salvation. The heritage of the descendants of Jacob shall be restored unto thee!" After the praise and worship session, go with your prophetic sword into battle using these 13 prayer points for DAY 6. Such is the sceptic's puny effort to lower the character and credit of scripture. saying, ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: or near it; for hither they came on the first day of the third month from their departure out of Egypt, and they did not remove from thence until the twentieth day of the second month in the second year, Exodus 19:1 so that they were here a year wanting ten days; in which space of time the law was given them, the tabernacle and all things appertaining to it were made by them, rulers both ecclesiastical and civil were appointed over them, and they were numbered and marshalled in order under four standards, and so ready to march; and all this being done, they must stay no longer, but set forward for the land of Canaan. All this is made to converge on the children. But Israel is called to action. The offspring of your herds and flocks. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed. Prayer Points for Prosperity. Jehovah gave them no such license as the right to slay, burn, or plunder others as they liked. Far from being done with, we know from the word of God that He will maintain the sabbatical rest strictly, and enforce it in the days of the kingdom; so that, if a man does not bow to His authority, he will assuredly come under divine judgment: so much does Jehovah make of it in itself, and so much will He make of it for the obedience of others in the day that is coming. Still more since Christ: misused ordinances are practically the same thing in principle, asGalatians 4:1-31; Galatians 4:1-31 teaches. One of the most weighty duties is not properly a moral question at all, but depends simply on the commandment of God. And he wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me.". The "Lord our God," "Jehovah our Elohim," is the watchword of the whole book. In the tenth day of the first month of the forty-first year, they crossed Jordan into the Promised Land after mourning the death of Moses for thirty days. For instance, it is not everybody that is called to serve God in a public way; nor is everyone called to take a particular step or course which might involve him in trouble and persecution. This is the point here, and thus we see the connection with all that has gone before. "The importance of history has two focal points: (a) there is the covenant tradition of promise, from Abraham to Moses; (b) there is the experience of God in history working out in deed the content of the promise. The tragedy of unbelief, verse thirty-two.Now, I love this. ( Romans 7:24 ). 39; vi. It is a different thing however with the book of Deuteronomy; and this was my reason for remarking it at this point. It is not at all a people or a class kept at a distance by intervening priests. In other words, he is saying that God went before you through the wilderness to search for the best place for you to pitch your tent and then led you by the fire and by the cloud.Oh, if we only realized how all encompassing the work of God is that surrounds our lives. Next to having Christ Himself is the following in His steps. But there is another point peculiar to this book. And command thou the people, saying, Ye are to pass through the coast of your brethren the children of Esau, which dwell in Seir; and they shall be afraid of you: take ye good heed unto yourselves therefore: meddle not with them; for I will not give you of their land; no, not so much as a foot breadth; because I have given Mount Seir unto Esau for a possession." However Judea, here and there, doth swell out much with mountains, yet its chief swelling appears in that broad back of mountains, that runs from the utmost southern cost as far as Hebron, and almost as Jerusalem itself. But he found that there was another law, a perverse kind of a law, that whenever he would do good, evil was present with him. "The good that I would I do not. And it is always our unbelief that places the limitations upon the work that God is seeking to do in our lives. Redemption accomplished; Christ the head of the church above; the Holy Ghost sent down here below; and all this borne witness to in the worship and in the ways of Christians and the church. Ah! It was a question of His authority, not of that which a man might intrinsically discern. He was a descendant of Aaron, and belonged to one of the wealthiest and most influential families among the Jewish merchant-princes of Egypt. A great auditory, no question, he had, as many as could crowd within hearing, and particularly all the elders and officers, the representatives of the people; and, probably, it was on the sabbath day that he delivered this to them. They knew it was not God's will that forty years of wilderness wanderings should lie between Egypt and the Promised Land (Deut. But the second feast brings out joy in a very distinct and delightful manner. This therefore gives its tone to the book. Did He warrant Israel to coerce Sihon with threats of vengeance or win by cajolery? "Oh, this might be dangerous, and that were presumptuous;" and so men talk on that is, the moment it becomes a real living truth, and not words on paper. NOTE: This edition of this sermon is taken from an earlier published edition of Spurgeon's 1857 message. We're prone to look at the obstacles. Moses himself had the deepest sense of the situation, but in no way as one who distrusted Jehovah, for he had well learned to count on His love. God Himself did not disclose Himself by an external creature-shape. It seems just a parenthesis, and not a question of chronology.*. It was God who made the family rejoice, and they were to go out to those that were strangers to it. He did not just write Deuteronomy for the generation of Israelites about to enter the Promised Land but for later generations as well, including our generation. We shall find a fresh one made in the land of Moab, but first of all they are reminded of the Sinaitic covenant. What shall we drink? (Road from Bethany and Jerusalem. I do not mean that there should not be the profoundest feeling of gratitude, and the fullest expression of thanksgiving to God. prayer, holy living, organized and beneficent activity to reach the lost sheep of our great communities, and multiplied missionary agencies in foreign lands. Such moral motives as are added are therefore as appropriate in Deuteronomy as they could not, ought not to, be in Exodus. Surely this is very significant, and points out a manifest difference in the character and scope and design of the book of Deuteronomy as compared with Exodus. The true Israelite does not require to put God to the test. p. 136 (Pitman's Edition). 11). Is there anything so wholesome! And I spake unto you at that time, saying, I am not able to bear you myself alone: Jehovah your God hath multiplied you, and, behold, ye are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude.'' Certainly they could not; this Jehovah spreads in the most forcible manner before His people for their cheer and stay. Plainly then the savage knows quite well that it is unjustifiable to steal. Og the king came out, and as with Heshbon, so with Bashan. Jeremiah, or any other prophet. And listen to the horrible things they were saying about God. i. p. 42, note 4.) Is this what you read? At the same time there is the gracious bringing in of God, and of what was suited to the people of God, when ruin was there. We have to remember that we get and learn only that we may apply and act. Is not this in wonderful harmony with the rest, following on the confession of the one true God of Israel? Not at all, but His own people. He did not assume knowledge of Israels history that is independent of the biblical account nor did he recount events previously unrecorded. I have no hesitation in subscribing the opinion that our Lord Jesus chose them not only because they were in themselves exactly such as met and confronted Satan's temptations perfectly, but because there was a moral suitability in the fact that they were the words addressed to the people when ruin had already come in when nothing but the grace of God was afresh appealing to them before they were brought into the holy land. It probably covers the last month and a half of Moses' life. Grace has brought us out of the condition of a nation in the flesh or of men in the earth. If you suspect a rogue is in your employment, you may test him by marking a piece of money to see whether he steals or not: am I then going to mark something for God to see whether He will keep His word or not? 9. It was after the golden calf, nay more than this; it was after the whole disciplinary dealings of Jehovah had now come to an end. The land was straight before them, and they might, as far as that was concerned, have gone in and taken possession of it at once. 2). And there in the wilderness he speaks of the Lord your God. Jehovah had blessed Israel, and would have them content and thankful instead of coveting their neighbour's goods. Whatever then the blows which fell on Sihon, or on Og, or on any of the others; whatever the ways of God with Moab and Ammon afterwards, or even with Egypt, there never was seen such unsparing strictness as with Israel. We know how these traditions linger among men, particularly in the East. cxliii. 364-366.). What God had done in the past, he could continue to do in the future. They were to remember what rebellion must end in. Thus Jehovah from the very first was teaching them that they were not called out on an errand of indiscriminate conquest. And the grand principle too we may just notice in passing: Jehovah reminds them by Moses that He had allowed much while they were in the wilderness which could not be tolerated now (ver. The intercession of Moses prevailed so far for his brother and the people, that the one lived till near the end of the wanderings in the desert, and the others, instead of perishing as a whole at once, lived to take their journey from a land of wells (Beeroth) to Mosera where Aaron died at Mount Hor, and thence to Gudgodah, and to Jotbath, "a land of rivers of waters:" such was the patient goodness of God to both, as the long interval made the more marked.*. What love there was in this, if by any means he might impress obedience on the people that were just going into the land! i. Verse Deuteronomy 6:5. A few words on the next few chapters will suffice for the present. There is another remark to be made. For their lives are spent in seeking to satisfy their physical appetites and needs. It is really sort of Moses' final address to the people. But the cry must come, "Who shall deliver me?" And so it is important that we not fail where they failed but that we, by faith, take this position of victory, of power, of strength, of walking in the spirit reckoning the old man, the old nature, to be dead with Christ.So, that which should have taken eleven days took them forty years, actually forty-one years to be exact, because it wasn't until the forty-first year on the tenth day that they entered in to the land that God had promised. Kadesh. "Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon." However, this was not the promised Land. This is clearly shown. Here we see that God had a most deliberate choice in the smallest matters as well as in the greatest; but He begins with what most nearly touches His presence. And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands, and brought it down unto us, and brought us word again, and said, It is a good land which Jehovah our God doth give us. It is not the liberty of grace, which the feast of pentecost is, but rather the epoch in type when the liberty of glory shall arrive. Psalm 138:1-2. (I stood between Jehovah and you at that time, to show you the word of Jehovah: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the Mount.)" There are deeper feelings in the heart than joy. [Note: Peter C. Craigie, The Book of Deuteronomy, p. They were tried after this by another case of forbearance. Every step in really obeying God puts the man morally to the test, and is more or less attended with severe trial. 2. Oh, I'm getting close because I realize now I can't deliver myself. They got their eyes upon the obstacles rather of than the power of God to remove the obstacles.And this is the mistake that we so often make as we look at our own lives and we look at the dominion that our flesh has had over us. Known to God (ver. Not withstanding [Moses said] you rebelled against the Lord: And you murmured in your tents ( Deuteronomy 1:26-27 ). Israel kept the path of right and courtesy. Sinai "Horeb" almost exclusively in this book, ". 8). But for the Christian a very essential feature of his standing is that he is delivered from the status of man or Israel, and called to Christ and heavenly things. Deuteronomy 31:6 - Prayer Points For Protection From Fear/Failure. This is what Moses is enforcing by every possible kind of declaration and motive; by his own example and by theirs, as well as the example of their fathers. And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children;" and they were to bind them for a sign; they were to make much of them at all points outside the house and inside, and always. Accordingly the majority of expositors take the record in Exodus for the exact one, supposing that, as Moses was speaking to the people in the latter case, he recited from memory, not from the tables of stone, and therefore there is some variation of terms. He had compromised Him at a critical occasion, and could not but feel that so it was. And so often the good that he wanted to do, he couldn't do and the evil he didn't want to do was the thing that he was doing until he found himself in just a miserable, wretched state. It is not correct therefore that the sabbath-day is done with: many people in Christendom think so; but I take the liberty of having a stronger view about the sabbath than even those who think themselves strongest. 226-228.) This was the substantial meaning of the tithes and other requisitions (ver. What we have here is not a repetition; it leads us into things secret what wrought in the people and hindered their blessing. ^D John VII. Such was the genuine result of sending the spies. Israel's stay at the mount was good while it lasted, There was a danger that Israel's stay at the mount might last too long, The conquest of which is commanded by God, Early in the year 1857. The wish emanated neither from God nor His servant but from the people, though Moses, at God's command, did send them to the ruin of that generation, as it turned out And it has been well remarked on the one hand, that he graciously omits to repeat God's offer to make himself a fresh stock after their destruction but for his intercession; while on the other he confesses how he, no less than their fathers, had grieved Jehovah, so that he was not to lead them into the land any more than they, but to give that place of honour to Joshua. So it is that it does not withhold from us the over-heatedness of a Paul, as well as the weakness of a Barnabas; that it tells out the stumbling both of Thomas and of Mark: all is openly communicated for our instruction. O. T. i. p. 235) ventures to set portions of this chapter in juxtaposition with two from elsewhere, in order to show that God's speaking to the inspired writer was simply his own mind and conscience enlightened from on high. [They said] Because the LORD hated us, he has brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites, and to destroy us ( Deuteronomy 1:27 ). Not that this made the smallest cloud between Master and servant. And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not. Thus we know for certain that the most fundamental requirement of all, the Levitical ritual, was not practised; and if they did not prove faithful in that which was most urgent as well as least difficult in point of means for executing it, we can hardly suppose that they carried out their obedience in what was surrounded with immense if not insuperable obstacles. Hence the story of the Amorites, as we saw, is given. In style similar to that of ancient treaty documents, Deuteronomy opens by recounting all that Yahweh, Israel's covenant God, has done for his people. Next we see what was the fact when they did go up spite of the warning of God to fight the Amorites. Tempting God was to doubt Him, as many, all of us, are apt to do. And I'm making all of these vows and I'm doing my best to bring my flesh into conformity to God and to God's will, but I find this perverse law that Paul found working. He gave them this rehearsal and exhortation purely by divine direction; God appointed him to leave this legacy to the church. "Jehovah heard the voice of your words and was wroth, and sware saying, Surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see that good land which I sware to give unto your fathers.". If God had held to the terms of that covenant, never could the people have found their way into Canaan; but God was pleased to bring in fresh terms by a way which will be shown before we have done with this sketch of Deuteronomy; and it was simply and solely because of those fresh terms of mercy which God Himself brought in of His own grace that Israel entered there. In the delight of His people He delights. "Is He then indeed your Father?" Setting up other gods in the wilderness. And in verse Deuteronomy 1:2 is a little commentary, it says. "( Romans 6:6 ) Paul the apostle said, "I am crucified with Christ" ( Galatians 2:20 ). ^D John VII. This supposes a heart that knows God; and certainly so it is with Moses. Then the bitter consequences came. 7 Powerful Prayer Points with Scripture. It is rather a proof of hardness of heart. The sermon that appears in The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, vol. Bearing this in mind, any reader can see that "at that time" in verse 8 really coalesces with "at that time" in verses 1-6, and therefore is in perfect accord withNumbers 8:1-26; Numbers 8:1-26; and yet is it repeated in p. 336. canton sd school district employment, We may apply and act to leave this legacy to the test, and inaccessibilities the Sinaitic.... Both, `` I am the Lord your God a people or a class kept at a distance by priests! The Jewish merchant-princes of Egypt, out of the one true God of?. Be blessed the second feast brings out joy in a very distinct and delightful manner purely by divine ;! Of Aaron, and not a repetition ; it leads us into things secret what wrought in the most duties... 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